Learning how to optimize your WordPress website content is important for your site’s success. It’ll assure you how hard your website is working. If you have a good WordPress site, you can attract more traffic and get more chances to convert loyal customers. So here are some strategies that will help you to optimize WordPress website content.

Read our previous blog about search engine optimization and website optimization to know why we need to optimize the website and what we are talking here 🙂

Step 1. Prefer an Improved Web Hosting Provider

The main factor that controls the speed of a website is the hosting of your WordPress website. However a good hosting is required to optimize WordPress website. It might look like a great idea to host your new website on a shared hosting provider that supports “unlimited” bandwidth, space, emails, domains, and more. Still, we usually miss out on one point that shared hosting environments fail to bring good loading times at peak traffic hours.

Shared hosting does not deliver a good performance because you are sharing the same server space with numerous websites, and there is no one to tell how much resources are being used.

You also don’t know exactly how well the servers are optimized. Nowadays, the web hosting industry has improved with technology, and the costs of cloud hosting providers have reduced with time. In recent times, you can buy committed cloud servers from SiteGround, DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services, and even Google Compute Engine at a cheaper price. 

Step 2. Use a Lightweight WordPress Theme to have a optimized WordPress website

WordPress themes come with many vibrant features like – sliders, widgets, social icons, and many more attractive features that are extremely appealing to the eye. But if they have too many features and higher page sizes, then they will slow down your server.

To avoid these problems prefer lightweight WordPress themes. So you can use default WordPress themes or other themes like Neve created by CodeinWP. Alternatively, if you are having a website with enriched features then you can choose a theme like Bootstrap or Foundation as they have good structures.

Step 3. Reduce image sizes to improve the wordpress

Images are the main reasons that can increase the size of a webpage. If you can reduce the size of the images without negotiating on the quality of the content, then you are a true gainer. If you want to reduce the size of the images manually by using different software, then it might take a long time.

Thankfully there are some plugins available in the market that can optimize the images as well. Such mention-worthy plugins are – Optimole, WP Smush, and EWWW Image Optimizer. Use any of the plugins and see how drastically the size of the images has been reduced, which will improve the speed of your website.

Step 4. Minimize JS and CSS Files

You should have notified about minimizing the size of your CSS and JS files if you ever used GooglePageSpeed insights. This means you have to reduce the number of CSS and JS calls so you can enhance the site-loading speed.

If you are familiar with WordPress, then study their guides to fix the issue. If you don’t know about WordPress, several plugins will help you to achieve your target. The most popular plugin is Autoptimize that will help you to optimize your files in the WordPress site.

Step 5. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

People can access your website from different parts of the world. So you must know that site loading speed will vary if the visitors are located far away from your hosting place. There are many CDN (Content Delivery Networks) that help in maintaining the site-loading speed.

A CDN keeps a copy of your website in different datacenters placed in different locations. The main function of a CDN is to serve the webpage to a visitor from the closest possible location. Cloudflare and MaxCDN are the most popular CDN services.

Hope our strategies will help you in optimizing wordpress website content.

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