The WordPress maintenance mode is triggered when an upgrade is implied. When viewers try to enter a website that is in maintenance mode, a message will display to warn them that right now, you are working on it. Everything looks fine till this point, but the situation becomes tough when because of the update process WordPress gets trapped in maintenance mode.

Why Does The WordPress Maintenance Mode Error Occur?

The maintenance mode page is exactly not an error, it is a warning page. During the up-gradation process, WordPress installs important advanced files to your server, remove them, and then download the advanced files. WordPress also places your website on repairs mode and shows the notification – “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.” during the up-gradation process.

To activate the safeguard mode notification, WordPress builds a momentary .maintenance file in your website’s core folder. If everything functions usually, then the maintenance mode error notification will be shown only for a few seconds. When the updating process is successfully done, WordPress will involuntarily remove the maintenance file to deactivate the maintenance file. Sometimes due to slow server updating processes may interfere in WordPress by showing the maintenance mode error continuously.

How to Repair WordPress Maintenance Mode Error?

If you want your website to get rid of maintenance mode, the first thing you need to do is remove the .maintenance file from your website’s core folder using FTP. If you can’t locate the .maintenance file in your WordPress core folder, then you must verify your FTP client to display concealed files. In FileZilla, you can compel it to display concealed files by clicking on Server >> Force showing hidden files from the menu bar. Once the .maintenance file is deleted, your website is safe from maintenance mode, which means the error has been fixed. If you are unaware of the use of FTP, then you can also delete the files viewing the file manager in the WordPress control section, and then you can remove the .maintenance file inside the file manager.

How to Get Rid of WordPress Maintenance Mode in the Future?

It is already known to us thatthe “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance” error is occurred because of a slow server. The simplest way to get rid of this plan is by updating to a better hosting scheme. We will suggest you choose the managed WordPress hosting companies as they offer excellent hosting presentations. If updating to a better hosting scheme is not a choice, then we will suggest doing plugin and theme up-gradation one at a time. Most of the time users have a trend of rapidly clicking on the upgrade link beneath each plugin. WordPress then wobbles the upgrade order, but even an interruption of a millisecond in internet connection could be a reason for clash leading your website to be trapped in maintenance mode. Rather than clicking quickly on the update link, we will advise you to wait with patience and update each plugin one at a time.

How to Personalize Maintenance Mode Notification?

A simpler way to get rid of displaying the default maintenance mode warning is you have to put your WordPress site on maintenance mode manually before downloading any updates. The finest method to do this by downloading and triggering the SeedProd plugin. It is one of the well-known maintenance mode plugins for WordPress.

In many cases, while upgrading, WordPress displays an error that makes it get trapped in maintenance mode. In that situation, the user can face many troubles if the issue is not being solved.

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