Are you looking for the best social media agency in dubai. Here we provide some of the best social media agencies in the UAE based on google reviews, their planning strategy and global business reports.

It was really a difficult job to sort these agencies since there dozens of marketing/media agencies in Dubai. Some how we managed to pick the best social media agencies as in the list below.


It is one of the best full-service social media marketing agencies located in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

They create custom social media strategies for your company or business or brand and choose which sites are appropriate for this strategy. They focused returns on investment in the marketing campaigns and managing their customers, to increase traffic, to change tracks, and to demonstrate.

They offer services like 

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creative and Branding
  • Search Marketing
  • Website Development

2. Nexa

This is one of the best award-winning social media agencies in Abu Dubai. 

Social media is evolving at a rapid pace, greatly affecting how businesses interact and engage with their customers. Used properly, it can streamline your business and generate more revenue.

They offer a full range of social media services with an evidence track record of 15 years, marking the launch of these important sites.

3. hashtag

Providing a new algorithm that makes your brands more noticeable and offers more exposure at a lower cost.

Performance planning strategies to reach your target audience and reach your goals in an ever-changing social field and by increasing your engagements. 

4. Bruce Clay

Bruce clay ready to manage all your social media needs

They build strategies which perfectly suit your brand and goals including by creating highly targeted contents on each platform. 

They also plan your schedule for your campaign and events, they also stream your photos, videos, posts, hashtags, and live. 

5. Igloo

They will help you to create your social media marketing strategy and identify your goals, target, messages, unique contents, no.of post based on your packages, relevant tags and so on. 

They start engaging your customers and engaging your social media by  sharing your content. Give instant replies to your customer.

6. GMI

As one of the trailblazer digital agencies in the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East and India, Global Media Insight has had a major impact on the adoption of social media as a marketing strategy by merchants in these regions.

With the amazing growth of many platforms, social media has now appeared as a fast and efficient way to connect with consumers and address their concerns in real time. More and more viewers are using this opportunity to grow their audience to a lesser extent.

We create effective social media marketing strategies for your brand, which is the type of activity, your marketing KPIs and the audience you want to engage with.

7. ubrik 

Ubrik helps his clients by starting with their own digital marketing strategy according to clients. They research and develop contents based on your business which helps you to attain your business goals.

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