Are you not happy with your current hosting provider, how do you migrate wordpress site from current hosting provider to a new host.

Here we are explaining how to move WordPress website without affecting any of our contents.

Find the current hosting

First, we have to find hosting where you can find your current hosting provider.

To find the hosting of your site enter your websites URL, click find hosting, now you can see the where your website is hosted right now

To move your site to a new host we are going to follow the 4steps. There are many hosting providers. For demo, we are using site ground hosting

Click the link

It will take you to website to get our new hosting 

Choose your plan. Enter your domain name if you already have a domain or we will need you to purchase a domain.

Lets click proceed after entering the domain name

Fill the details listed in the site 

We are getting the new hosting for 1yr

Enter payment details, click pay 

Now we are successfully paying the payment and you have a new hosting 

Step 2

Install WordPress on a new hosting

To move it you need to install your host in site ground

To install WordPress lets click proceed to the customer area, click setup site, now to install WordPress click select, and then select WordPress enter the email & password for the new WordPress site

Click continue after pressing it, then click finish

Step 3

Copy your WordPress site to your new host

For copying first I have to log in to the website

For login just enter /login after your websites address and press enter

And now it will take to the login page of WordPress

Now just login to your site

Now we are login to our website which is on our old host

To copy your website you need t install a plugin on this site

Go to plugins and click add new

Now search for a plugin called migrate guru, you will get this plugin

This is the plugin which is going to help us copy the WordPress site to the new hosting

Install the plugin, click install and click activate

So now after installation, we need to copy our website to the new host

For copying just enter your email address and then click migrate site it will take you to the page where it will ask you to choose your new hosting provider, we going to choose Cpanel and FTP these two methods works for any host

Now if you know the Cpanel login details you can go for this method

If you don’t know Cpanel details then choose the FTP option 

So to move your host it will ask you to fill the details

First, you need to enter a current websites URL

We need to enter the IP address of our new host (for getting an IP address go to site ground and then go to websites, here you will find the WordPress site which we installed on-site ground)

To get the IP address just click the site tools and you will get the IP address here select and copy

Paste it here

Once you enter your  site address to move your site to a new host, you need to get the FTP details of your new host

For getting these details you need to create an FTP account on your new host

For creating the account let’s go back to the site ground 

Then click site and then click FTP accounts 

Now enter your name here and password and click create 

And now our FTP account is created 

Now get these details select FTP credentials

And now you will get the details which you need to enter ( 21, copy username, and type the password which you use to create your FTP account 

Now we are entered the FTP details 

Next, you have to enter the location where your WordPress site located on your new host

So find that let’s go-to site ground and then click file manager

Now in your host, this option might be located in another place 

We need to find the folder location which has wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes

We found the location, 

How we have to enter is 

/enter the folder name /enter next thing after the folder name

So now we have entered successfully our new WordPress site location 

Now we can copy our details, before that we have to find our new host has SSL

If our new host has SSL make sure while writing your website address above is https

Now we can start copying our site to the new host

For copying, click migrate 

Once you have done, you can see your site is now successfully copied

Let’s check its has moved or not

Let’s go back our hoisting finder tool

Now if we click find hosting you can see that our site is still hosted on GoDaddy which is our old host this means ur site has not yet moved to the new host

So we have to point our domain to the new host

We need to add the IP address, of the host to our domain 

Add an IP address to our domain

To get the IP address of the new host

Let’s go back to site ground

Click on the dashboard, where you can see the new IP address 

Since our domain is still with GoDaddy let us go back with our GoDaddy account, click sign in

Let’s enter the go daddy account details click sign in, 

Nw here you will find the domain of your website

Add the new IP address to this domain, click DNS then you can see the details, now you have added the IP address to the ‘A’  record ( in this record we see that the IP address of our old host)

Before change that address make a note of the old IP address so that you can use it in case you want to go back to your old host

Now let’s go back to site ground, for adding IP address delete our old IP address and copy the new IP address from site ground and paste it in your DNS management then click save

Now your new IP address is added to your domain

This means that now your site is gets moved to your host

So to check that let’s go back to hoisting finder now if you click find hosting, you can see that now your website is hosted an on-site ground

So this means we successfully moved our website from the old host to the new host

Let’s go to our website and see how it looks we can see that the same content which we have to see before 

Now we moved our website old host to a new host

Enable SSL on your new host, we can see the IP address is not secure

Let’s see how can we add SSL on-site ground

To add it go back to site ground and then click security and click SSL manager, now make sure your domain is selected here

Select let’s encrypt which is located after your domain name and then click get 

Now the SSL will be installed, complete adding SSL just go to https and then enables this option 

Now we are successfully added SSL to our website 

Now if we go to our website and click refresh you can see that now our site secure with SSL 

This how you can move your website to the new host 

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