SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer which uses the security protocol (cryptographic protocol) to keep the communications safe on the internet. Its a Digitally signed certificate file issued for particular domain names. This certificate contains certificate holder name, serial number, expiration date, copy of public key which is given to the certificate holder, and Authority digital signature who issuing a certificate.

Why do we need certificates? 

Certificates are the most important thing which is certified to the quality users who performs better. In the same way here the SSL certificate is the one which is given to the users who have the secure network connections i.e) transferring the information securely from one person to another. A certificate builds trust among people. So the certification to a website is the most important thing.

SSL certificates (mentions Security transactions) and how it works

SSL certificate which enables the users to move from http to https it means moving towards security and safety. SSL certificates which make the SSL/TLS encryption possible and make sure about the security of the information or connections from hackers who interrupting the data.

A website containing an SSL certificate which identified as the safest website because these websites securing your connections and communications it means your connections are secure no hackers can interrupt your connection. It safeguards your information and it is very essential to have SSL Certificates for the website.

 Benefits of SSL Certificates

Ensure the safe and secure information 

It Encrypts the information which means converting the data/certain information into a code that cannot be stolen.

It builds the trust of the customers

Safe communications on the internet

Boosts search rankings

Increase visitors loyalty

Protects sensitive information.

Working of SSL certificates 

SSL basically works with the two following concepts

  • Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography

Asymmetric Cryptography

It is also called Asymmetric Encryption or public-key cryptography which is using the mathematically related key pairs for data encryption and decryption. 

The key pair consists of two keys one is public and the other is the private key. The public key is the one that is shared with anyone who is interested in communication. The private key is kept as the secret key.

Here the key is created by using the mathematical algorithm which is used to encrypt and decrypt the data.

In asymmetric cryptography, data can be login with a private key, which can only be decrypted using the corresponding public key in a pair.

SSL uses this cryptography to initiate communication it is also known as SSL handshake.

Symmetric Cryptography

In this cryptography, both the sender and receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt the data. Here they use only one key and which is only known to them.

After the initial handshake is done by using session key SSL uses this cryptography. 

Data Transfer over SSL

SSL protocol uses both asymmetric and symmetric cryptography for transferring the data securely 

SSL Communication

SSL communication between both browser and the webserver is divided into two steps

  • SSL Handshake
  • Actual Data Transfer

SSL Handshake

The communications in SSL always begin with an SSL handshake. It allows the browser to verify the webserver by asymmetric cryptography. Before beginning the data transfer, establish a secure connection by using a public key.

Actual Data Transfer

In actual data transfer both the client and server using a shared session key to encrypt and decrypt. Here it is Symmetric cryptography because they using the same session key at both ends.

Here it’s using symmetric cryptography because it is easy and takes less CUP consumption compared when compared with asymmetric cryptography.

SSL Data Transfer

Here the SSL data transfer works with both asymmetric cryptography and symmetric cryptography. 

For achieving SSL communications in real life they are involved in following certain infrastructure, which is called public key infrastructure.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

The Public Key Infrastructure consists of a set of roles, policies, and it shows the procedures to create, manage, distribute, store, use, and revoke the digital certificates and which manages the public-key encryption.

PKI consists of the following elements:

  • Certificate Authority
    •  The power to recognize the identity of individuals, computers, and other entities.
  • Registration Authority
    • A subsidiary CA that certifies on behalf of the root CA for specific applications.
  • SSL Certificate
    • A data file containing the public key and other information
  • Certificate Management System
    •  System for storing, verifying, and retrieving certificates.
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